Saturday, April 09, 2011

comic practice collected so far

All the finished books to date. Just recieved the top one in the mail yesterday. The best coloring so far. The writing is pretty hard to read, its a little flowery and doesn't have the pro flow, the same goes for the storytelling (but it's better). The editing could be improved about 75% and I'm still battling a consistent look because I'm experimenting all the time. I'm confident that if I keep up the practice i'll get a product that i'll feel like getting behind and really promoting. Well at least I know my limitations, almost know what I want it to be like and am not afraid to put in the practice to get there. Sometimes I am afraid I will get stuck in the practice forever. I guess I don't let that slow me down or discourage me (very much) because I realize that it's (pretty much) my favorite part of it all anyway. I have 4 more issues at various stages of development right now and I don't have to do any part of it for any reason but my own entertainment, diversion and soul-letting. Cheers!