Friday, March 14, 2014

Life Drawing 3/13/2014 Demonstration.

This is what happens when I work on a $4.00 piece of paper!
One of the great things about Rives BFK, 250gsm, 22" x 30" is that the surface can be manipulated far into the drawing process. In fact after my initial vine charcoal layout I built up tone using a paperstump and a chunk of water soluble graphite and then, after the washes had dried, I was able to erase some of the long light drips with a gum eraser. You can't do that on your regular paper. Also this stuff just loves water and stayed perfectly flat after the washes had been applied.
During the class we listened to Alex Grey and Scott McCloud's Ted Talks.

And I'm teaching Life Drawing next term at Portland Community College.

27393 Sylvania Campus / CT / 231 06:00 PM-08:50 PM TuTh 01-Apr-2014 thru 12-Jun-2014

Instructor: Nathaniel T Marcel
Tuition: credit Fees: $18.00