Saturday, November 06, 2021

Art Round-up September - October 2021

 Art Round-Up September - October 2021

Art Round-up September - October 2021

Well this is late...again...I seem to be busy (?) to many pies, not enough fingers. I’m certainly not resting, the wheels are always spinning...maybe this is a pretty good output I don’t know anymore, not a lot of professional work lately -(happy to have a “day job”!)

Running a D&D game on Fridays, took a weekend off to eat, play games and socialize with covid free friends. Building stuff for that Friday game-  I will release that stuff at some point. I also bought a copy of Dungeon Draft to make faster (?) maps. Learning to make and package my own assets for that.

And then I decided to do “Inktober” again this year. I’d say 1 out of 4 of those maps are pretty good, almost all of them are pretty fun and all of them were absorbing and fun to make.

Thanks for your patronage! Not taking any money again this month, just giving

An update! Have a great end of the year if I don’t reach you before then!


Toren Atkinson bought the use of this older drawing for a project he’s finished up. Looks like fun and it’s nice getting to work with him on something.