Enemies of Man- Backdrop by Nate Marcel
For what it's worth I've been dabbling and banging on a guitar for about twenty years off and on. This is the first time I have made anything public of this sort in quite some time, for obvious reasons once you start listening to it. Funky, clunky and junky. Funny thing about music, it's a lot harder to forgive than the fleeting glimpse of a visual image. It's really easy to take things too seriously. This leads to either censoring the voice and/or creative output or assaulting unsuspecting ears and making people fear delivering an honest critique and dimming the paragon of character and smartness you may be in their eyes...in this case I'm sure I'm not my own worse critic...I've always found I can forgive the change in tempo, the off-key slant, the garbled vocal quality, the drop-outs and plosives, the muffled jangling crinkles of my crap a hell of a lot easier than other people may. I guess I've decided that it's a legitimate part of my creative output, and has been for some time so I might as well "own it" so to speak. WARNING: if you have sensitive ears and listening habits this may not be for you!
This is the last song I've recorded, it's from 2009 I really haven't written any other music for myself since then but I dream about it. "Enemies of Man" is the title of the demon. "Jaganatha" is the title of the project, and "Backdrop" is the title of the song.